Rabu, 22 Desember 2010

Kempo Karate

Kempo Karate, which is also known as Kenpo, is among the most popular forms of karate, developed in the West. The word means kempo law of the fist, as well as this form of martial art has long been regarded as a combination art for the fact that it involves the use of hard fist (karate-do), soft fist (Ju Jitsu) and weapons ( Kobudo). At the most basic, teaches Kempo Karate sparring and sparring drills for a specific purpose to help students learn and understand the basic movements and the application of the kicking and punching combinations. This is actually where the Kempo Karate sparring techniques come in. Well, the sparring techniques are classified according to the intent of the program. As Ive mentioned before, is a combination art. It is often used primarily for self defense, self-control and protection against weapons. However, unlike other forms of martial arts, Kempo Karate style differs from the traditional Karate in several important respects. With this fact, the students who want to learn sparring techniques strongly encouraged to change and the ancient and modern techniques to adapt sparring. There are two major techniques involved in Kempo Karate sparring for self defense. The first is called Tuite or take the hand techniques, and the other is it essential? Le point attacks or Kyusho.

Both sparring techniques are highly regarded as they help students develop their skills by letting them practice using a variety of threatening situations. The basic self-defense techniques involve defenses against grabs, pushes, punches, holds, kicks, and weapon defenses. The vital points Kempo Karate sparring techniques as basically regarded as the most striking and sophisticated techniques in the martial arts. They well be used against selected anatomical points of the nervous system and circulatory system. Note that these vital points techniques that temporarily shut down an opponent than his ability to retaliate. As what most experts say this kind of self-defense technique, the key is precision, not strength. As the students progress in learning the techniques of self defense Kempo Karate sparring, they will be taught with the forms and katas, or the higher level of Kempo Karate sparring techniques. These techniques are considered to help students develop a sense of self-awareness and self-expression. As such, the movements involved in this level students to develop their reflexes and timing in a controlled environment, while exercising a sporting activity. This is actually where the advanced techniques and combinations, such as the front thrust kick, spinning heel kick, shoulder, throw off balance, roundhouse kick, Crescent kick triple jump, etc. Finally, Kempo Karate sparring teaches students how to use weapons. To my knowledge, this is strongly considered in any Kempo training to students to increase understanding of self-defense. So it is common for the defense techniques against knives and clubs are taught from the yellow band. The so-called empty hand sparring techniques such as Bassai, Tomari seisan, sai, kama, nunchaku, and others are herein? Introduced. Note that both the defense and the use of weapons techniques of Kempo round of training students in the first degree black belt, known as shodan.

Sabtu, 11 Desember 2010


On Wednesday 19 May, has developed the primary group, which covered the following topics:
  • Educational assistance for those with children in Schedule A
  • Training in the Technopark, May 20 at 2 PM, for those who were chosen as jurors for the presidential elections next May 30.
  • On May 20, at 12 M, is the opening of the regional games will be launched TIS card, smart card of the Seine, which will serve to control the vocabulary of the trainees and to defend justice language. It seeks the cooperation of the instructors to assist all learners.
  • The importance of running a second language.
  • We remind the instructors the importance of cleanliness of the environment, and asked the collaboration of additional training apprentices as they have found the cans full of garbage.
  • Instructors must set an example to trainees coming off the training process, otherwise it shall be written reprimands.
  • Weaknesses in the assessment of the Centre.
  • Order the elements of training.
  • Using the Blackboard platform and support in the starting lineup.
  • To inform the trainees defected and conditioned.
  • It asked the instructors to hold periodic meetings with trainees to discuss issues other than academics, that is to support them from the standpoint of emotional and personal.
  • It is suggested that instructors start this year, the certification process in ICT management skills.
  • Never give bank account information on pages that are not of the institution concerned.
  • Report nonconformities of the last internal audit.
  • Not received additional training packages or events that are incomplete.
  • Taking into account the number of apprentices to register before the closing date in SOFIA.
  • Instructors must be alert to detect problems of drug use and prostitution in order to provide appropriate support to trainees.
  • Since the records are being created to study and digital certificates of additional training courses in SOFIA.
  • They are reminded to be pending instructor certification process this year.
As always, we hope the collaboration of all staff in the preceding paragraphs.

Minggu, 07 November 2010

Diesel Vehicles

Both diesel cars and light trucks are receiving a
lot of attention in the United States as a near
term strategy to achieve fuel economy and climate
change goals.
The renewed interest in diesel as of late stems
from its potential to improve passenger vehicle
fuel economy.  The best diesel passenger vehicles
of today are more efficient on fuel than their
gas counterparts, helping to reduce carbon
emissions by 30 percent or more.
There are some auto makers that are talking about
re-introducing diesel into light duty markets as
a solution for reducing global warming pollution
from both cars and trucks.  Another important
reason is that the higher efficiency of diesels
will provide a quick fix for manufacturers who
are struggling to meet federal fuel economy
standards for light trucks.
Even if the efficiency benefits of diesel do
yield real world improvements on the economy, the
potential climate change benefits are modest.
Even though diesel achieves more miles per gallon
than gasoline, many are concerned about the
impact that diesel passenger vehicles have on
the economy.  From time to time, the combustion
in the engine can cause black emissions to spit
from the exhaust, which is actually very bad
for the economy.
While gas is actually the worst, diesel is taking
strides to improve engines and the impact on
the economy.  Diesel is getting more and more
popular these days, as gas prices continue to
rise and rise.
Although diesel engines can have an impact on
the economy, they are the way to go for those
looking to conserve mileage.  Diesel vehicles
cost more than gas vehicles, although they will
offer you more than you can expect.  If you are
looking for a quality ride, diesel is the way
to go.
Diesel Passenger Vehicles
Both diesel cars and light trucks are receiving a lot of attention in the United States as a nearterm strategy to achieve fuel economy and climatechange goals.
The renewed interest in diesel as of late stemsfrom its potential to improve passenger vehiclefuel economy.  The best diesel passenger vehiclesof today are more efficient on fuel than theirgas counterparts, helping to reduce carbon emissions by 30 percent or more.
There are some auto makers that are talking aboutre-introducing diesel into light duty markets asa solution for reducing global warming pollutionfrom both cars and trucks.  Another importantreason is that the higher efficiency of dieselswill provide a quick fix for manufacturers whoare struggling to meet federal fuel economy standards for light trucks.
Even if the efficiency benefits of diesel doyield real world improvements on the economy, thepotential climate change benefits are modest.
Even though diesel achieves more miles per gallonthan gasoline, many are concerned about theimpact that diesel passenger vehicles have onthe economy.  From time to time, the combustionin the engine can cause black emissions to spitfrom the exhaust, which is actually very badfor the economy.
While gas is actually the worst, diesel is takingstrides to improve engines and the impact onthe economy.  Diesel is getting more and morepopular these days, as gas prices continue torise and rise.
Although diesel engines can have an impact on the economy, they are the way to go for thoselooking to conserve mileage.  Diesel vehiclescost more than gas vehicles, although they willoffer you more than you can expect.  If you arelooking for a quality ride, diesel is the wayto go.

Rabu, 06 Oktober 2010

Diesel Engines Neglected Treasures

There are very few engine configurations that promise increased fuel economy and power.  There are few engines that offer this in addition to reliability. Today, those across the ocean are enjoying the
fruits of diesel technology revolution. Diesels have experienced a great history here in the United States.  I 1980, General Motors modified their 350ci gas V8 to run on diesel fuel.  The result however, wasn’t that god.  These engines offered better fuel economy but little else.  They werr very slow, and not very reliable.
Mercedes Benz on the other hand, had better luck in the 1980s with an array of vehicles available
with diesel engines.  These great vehicles offered
amazing durability although they were rough, noisy,
and smoked quite a bit.  Volkswagon offered diesel
as well, although they had a habit for spewing
blue smoke from the tail pipe.
Throughout the 90s, Benz and Volkwagon offered
diesel vehicles in the United States, with each
generation becoming cleaner, smoother, and more
powerful than the last.  Overall, they were a
tough sell as they still lacked the horsepower
that many were seeking.
Today, Mercedes, BMW, Jaguar, Volkswagon, Ford,
and many other manufacturers are offering diesels
to many markets throughout the world.  To put it
simple, forget everything you know or think you
know about diesel engines in the United States.
These newer engines benefit from hundreds of
technical innovations.  There are several diesels
in Europe that offer better acceleration than
their gasoline counter parts.  BMW’s 120d has
163bhp, goes 0 – 60 in under 8 seconds, and
achieves 49.6 miles per gallon.
Benz offers the C320 CDI SE that has 224bhp, and
over 360 lb foot of torque.  This car gets just
under 48 mpg on the highway, with an acceleration
of 0 – 60 in under 7 seconds.  Throughout North
America, you won’t find a gasoline engine that
offers this unique blend of fuel economy and
excellent performance.
The reason why diesels haven’t caught on in
North America comes down to one word – sulfur.  We
have too much sulfur in the diesel here in the
United States.  This cheap grade of diesel fuel
will run havoc on the more sophisticated diesels
offered overseas and cause an increase in
There is hope however, as refiners will soon be
producing what is known as ultra low sulfur
diesel fuel.  This will help to reduce the sulfur
content from 500ppm to 15ppm.
Diesel Engines Forgotten Treasures
There are very few engine configurations that promiseincreased fuel economy and power.  There are fewengines that offer this in addition to reliability.Today, those across the ocean are enjoying the fruits of diesel technology revolution.
Diesels have experienced a great history here in theUnited States.  In 1980, General Motors modified their 350ci gas V8 to run on diesel fuel.  The resulthowever, wasn’t that god.  These engines offered better fuel economy but little else.  They werevery slow, and not very reliable.
Mercedes Benz on the other hand, had better luckin the 1980s with an array of vehicles availablewith diesel engines.  These great vehicles offeredamazing durability although they were rough, noisy,and smoked quite a bit.  Volkswagon offered dieselas well, although they had a habit for spewingblue smoke from the tail pipe.
Throughout the 90s, Benz and Volkwagon offereddiesel vehicles in the United States, with eachgeneration becoming cleaner, smoother, and morepowerful than the last.  Overall, they were a tough sell as they still lacked the horsepowerthat many were seeking.
Today, Mercedes, BMW, Jaguar, Volkswagon, Ford,and many other manufacturers are offering dieselsto many markets throughout the world.  To put itsimple, forget everything you know or think youknow about diesel engines in the United States.
These newer engines benefit from hundreds oftechnical innovations.  There are several dieselsin Europe that offer better acceleration than their gasoline counter parts.  BMW’s 120d has 163bhp, goes 0 – 60 in under 8 seconds, and achieves 49.6 miles per gallon.
Benz offers the C320 CDI SE that has 224bhp, andover 360 lb foot of torque.  This car gets justunder 48 mpg on the highway, with an accelerationof 0 – 60 in under 7 seconds.  Throughout NorthAmerica, you won’t find a gasoline engine thatoffers this unique blend of fuel economy and excellent performance.
The reason why diesels haven’t caught on in North America comes down to one word – sulfur.  Wehave too much sulfur in the diesel here in theUnited States.  This cheap grade of diesel fuelwill run havoc on the more sophisticated dieselsoffered overseas and cause an increase in emissions.
There is hope however, as refiners will soon beproducing what is known as ultra low sulfur diesel fuel.  This will help to reduce the sulfurcontent from 500ppm to 15ppm.

Sabtu, 07 Agustus 2010

Entering the world of automation

The purpose of this blog is to share my experience in the vast world of industrial automation. In particular we discuss issues related to the products of the German firm Siemens , a world leader in this area of technology.

It is always good to know how were the origins and evolution of the technique before going into the details of programming and systems design. This allows a better understanding of why the existence of graphical programming languages such as Ladder (Logic contacts) or typical questions such as who started as: Would not it be easier and cheaper to build a dedicated circuit to solve this application? Here I leave some useful links.